G. Ali Mansoori, PhD Professor Em., UIC Depts. of Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering and Physics
Contact: | Emails: mansoori at uic dot edu; gali dot mansoori at gmail dot com; ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3497-8720; Voice: 1+(312) 996-5592 & 961-1210; Office: 204 Science and Engineering Offices, 851 S. Morgan St. (M/C 063), Chicago, Illinois 60607-7052 | Research & Educational Activities: | Thermodynamics, advances in nanotechnology, molecular based study of the next generation disease diagnostic methods and therapeutic agents, molecular based study of arterial blockage / fouling in petroleum and natural gas industries, innovative nanobiostructures design (nanoclusters, nanoconjugates, nanoparticles), phase transitions, density functional theory, molecular dynamics simulations, modern statistical mechanics. | Awards & Honors:(Partial list) | Medal of Fundamental Science (UNESCO);International Academy of Creative Endeavors (Member);International Eco Energy Academy (Honorary Member);Kapitsa Gold Medal (for outstanding contributions to natural sciences);Algorithm Award (for Scientific Achievements);Diploma of Honor (Pi Epsilon Tau, National); AIChE Fellow; Dedicated Service Award (F&PD-AIChE) | | |